Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mr Clean the role model for discipline

One of my Martial Arts Instructors said one time "show him a messy house and he can guarantee the person who lives there is undisciplined" What he was getting at is if you are not discipline in one part of your life than you are not discipline in any. Not sure I totally agree with that theory but I do know there is different levels of self discipline. I always strive to do better. To be more discipline. It is a constant battle in some areas more than others. But that night after his speech on the aspects of self discipline I went home and checked out my housekeeping. To see if I could judge my self discipline. The place looked good. Well it could use a coat of paint but it was clean and organized. Even my closets are organized. Especially my kitchen cabinets every thing has it's own little place. But here's the thing. My bedroom is a messy and unorganized. I am sure there is a hidden meaning there but basically, it last on the list and I just run out of time.
Oh yeah, and my car is trashed. Rarely even on the list.

Be tidy  :)

1 comment:

  1. Now you've got me looking at my house - I've failed, lol
