Saturday, July 21, 2012

which way should a ninja go?

When in doubt follow the exit signs.

A coworker told me these six little words when showing me around a maze of a building.
I found those words applied for many things in life.

Sometimes you must ignore your ego and follow your instincts.

Be smart

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What I learned this week

There is the right way to do things and the boss's way to do things.
When the mower dies the grass grows like crazy.
Purchase new mower, drought and heat wave hit killing all the grass.
Zombies are the new vampires. I have a zombie ninja action figure, myself. (still love vampires too)
Clothesline fresh does not mean soft and smelling fresh.
It means stiff and still leaves the lint and cat hair on the clothes. (I miss my dryer.)
I still really love throwing front kicks when free sparring
And last but not least, once you have a had a amazing Margarita all others taste like crap.

Drank in Sedona, Arizona